Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturdays & Horses

Good morning on a chilly but sunny Saturday!   I am going to begin attempting to get this blog up and running, if for nothing else other than my own piece of mind.

I love Saturday mornings, who doesn't? I've always loved them since they normally meant I would be at a show or  some activity horse related.  Now, since I have been working in a "real job", Monday-Friday, 8-5pm, I really appreciate my Saturdays. For those of you  that don't know; I am still in transition from my job as a Sale Rep to running MZE full time. I've been busy this winter getting my ducks in a row, planning, developing the website, training my own horse Tia and trying to establish a client base.  I cannot wait to get back to horses and teaching full time! Every morning before I go to work, when I am tending to the horses  as daybreak is peaking through the sky, there is nowhere else I want to be than there, enjoying my horses company at the beginning of a day full of potential. 

Today, I am headed to Aiken for  a dressage lesson with Elaine Lash. I always look forward to my lessons with Elaine because Tia and I both always come away from the lesson feeling like we have grown. We are finally figuring out the keys to Tia's flatwork. The movement and ability are there but we have had to focus on getting into Tia's head, primarily to be her cheerleader that she can do what we are asking of her. Being your typical smart, opinionated female, Tia does not always take what you say at face value so you have to convince her that you are right. Once you show her something can be done she gives it her all. I love this trait about her, even if it has tested my patience sometimes. Just like students who learn differently teach their trainers how to be better communicators, horses can do the same. I have to always have a "conversation" with Tia, you don't "tell" her what to do. Working with her has helped be to become a more creative and sympathetic rider, which is always a good thing!

Well, I'm off for another cup of coffee before heading to Aiken. I hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday!